Report a health and safety issue

Here you can notify Arbeidstilsynet (the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority) when you are concerned about the health and safety of employees in your own or another workplace. You can choose to be anonymous. We assess all reports and notifications and determine whether they should be followed up by an inspection.

Read this before reporting an issue

If there is an imminent danger to life or health, you should contact the police.

Do you get an error message?

Some of our users currently receive an error message when submitting a report. If you get such an error message, please try again later. We are trouble shooting this error and kindly ask for your patience.

What happens after you report a health and safety issue?

See your report and have a dialog with us

When you submit your report, you can choose to access our dialogue platform.

Here you can see your report, add information and have a dialogue with us. To log on, enter the ID number you received when you submitted your report and the password you chose.