Workers' accommodation

When an employer provides living quarters for its workers, the accommodation must be suitable.

Clearer requirements from 1 June 2024

From 1 June 2024, the requirements that apply to accommodations have been made more clear. Among other things, the Workplace Regulations now specify that the worker

  • as a rule should have single occupancy rooms as their bedroom
  • must have access to a shower and toilet in the immediate vicinity of their bedroom (at least one shower and one toilet per five workers)
  • must have access to living areas in the immediate vicinity of their bedroom, with a table and chairs
  • should have access to Wi-Fi

Accommodation requirements

The employer is responsible for making sure the accommodations are suitably designed, furnished and maintained at all times. The accommodations must allow for privacy and dignity for all workers who live there. The standard of the accommodations shall be in accordance with the general technological and social level of society in general.

The accommodation must have

  • a bedroom with a window that opens (should be single occupancy rooms as a rule)
  • living areas in the immediate vicinity of the bedroom (if the bedroom is large enough, the requirement for living areas may be met by an area within the bedroom)
  • a wardrobe or closet for clothes storage
  • a shower and toilet in the immediate vicinity of the bedroom (at least one shower and one toilet per five workers)
  • a laundry room with a washing machine and options for drying clothes
  • a kitchen/dining room with options for cooking, space to eat, a dining table and chairs
  • necessary cleaning supplies

If possible, the accommodation should have internet access through Wi-Fi.

When is an employer responsible for the accommodation?

The employer is responsible for making sure that accommodation provided to the worker by the employer, is suitable. Normally, it is clear when the employer is responsible, e.g. when the employer owns and lets the property used for accommodation. 

The employer is not responsible for the accommodation if the employer, as an example, only mediates contact with various landlords, and the worker personally decides to sign a tenancy agreement with one of them.

In other words, the employer is responsible if there is a clear connection between the employment relationship and the worker staying in the accommodation.

The Labour Inspection Authority has the authority to inspect accommodations

The Labour Inspection Authority shall have free access to any property subject to the act. This also includes accommodation provided by the employer.

The Labour Inspection Authority inspects to make sure that the accommodation requirements have been met and that the accommodation is suitably designed, furnished and maintained. During such inspections, the Labour Inspection Authority often collaborates with other public bodies, such as the fire service and municipal authorities.

If the employer is bound by a collective agreement, additional accommodation requirements may apply – beyond the ones laid down in the Working Environment Act and Workplace Regulations. The Labour Inspection Authority’s inspections do not cover requirements in collective agreements.

Read more about how we perform inspections (in Norwegian)